Sunday, July 11, 2010

DAY 81: Fresh Pasta

What an experience and how so Masterchef of me! I was very very excited to be making my first batch of pasta EVER! I made the dough and rested this in the fridge for approx 30 mins after which I split it into 6 chunks. This was then fed through the pasta machine starting at 7 and working my way to 2 (thickness). Each piece needed to go through on each thickness about 3 times, so you can imagine that this was a bit of a lengthy process (but I kept telling myself it was totally worth it!). Once I made it to 2, it was time for the transformation into fettucine (this sounds hard than what it is), which involves feeding it through a cutter (much like the rollers). Next thing I knew, my clothes dryer was completely full of pasta! As you can imagine it took no time at all to cook, and tasted pretty damn amazing...

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